It is time to Stop; but also it is time to Dream

illa experience | Helado de paila

Today is the 18th day of quarantine in Quito – Ecuador; in other countries, it can be more or less, but all countries are on some type of quarantine today. Most people did not expect to be doing a home office or being in a lockdown just going out to buy groceries. And for our industry, no one expected to have all flight, tour and hotel reservations cancelled from one day to the next.

But as my grandfather said there are always some positive aspects in a situation. In this case, it can be staying at home and spending more time with our families or finding ourselves again, reading that book that you always wanted to read or playing that game with your son that he always talks about. Besides this there are also a lot of positive impacts on Nature, to learn how fast it can heal, we have seen many examples such as the channels in Venice, the sea lions in Galapagos, wild animals exploring city streets to name a few.

It is time to stop but is also time to dream. It is time to stop doing massive tourism that can hurt nature, it is time to stop tourism in which local communities are not involved. Now it is time to dream in more conscious tourism. It is time to dream of a more responsible and sustainable tourism, lets dream of doing tourism in which local communities are part of it.

It is time to dream of meeting local people, those people who make the destination what it is. Time to dream of meeting those artisans who keep the culture alive. Time to dream of learning the little secret recipes in traditional food. It is time to dream about living experiences.

Re-Schedule your trip so you can make those dreams come true.

Dream of Ecuador, dream of Quito, dream of ILLA

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