Why is Quito worth visiting? 5 Reasons to visit Quito, Ecuador


Cheap flights, challenging yourself, expanding your borders are few of the reasons behind travelling and the list will keep on growing. It is obvious that finding a reason to travel is no hard task.

Once you got the will to travel, the second and hardest part comes into play: choosing the destination. Now, how can you choose one destination when there are so many of them, each with its own charms and advantages?

I will make this job easier for you, if you are reading this then Quito is either one of the touristic destinations that has gotten in your head. Instead of boring you by telling you the main attractions, I will tell you those attractions that make Quito different and worth visiting.

Quito | Ecuador


1. Quito has officially the largest historic centre in South America, hence the largest amount of historical traces that can still be cherished nowadays
By having the largest historical downtown area in South America, that means that you will see a vast amount of colonial architecture from hundreds of years ago. Many houses, many streets have been left the same way as they were when the Spaniards came to conquer us. You will not have to read it off from the Museum’s handout but you will be able to go to that special street, picture history for yourself and let yourself inmerse in a historical paradise.

2. The beautiful contrast in nature

Quito has an altitude of 2850 metres and it’s altitude allows to see the beautiful Andes surrounding Ecuador’s capital. The beauty is that you will feel as if you are a small person in such a big world. It is incredible to see that you are in the middle of a business city, yet you are surrounded by majestic volcanoes and mountains. Unlike many other places where you must wake up at 5 am to see the mountain, in Quito you can do it from your window and experience the magnitude of nature.

3. The people

Ecuadorians are known for their charisma, solidarity and union. Fortunately this has not changed throughout time. You will see families together walking down the street, cafeterias filled with couples drinking a coffee while eating the classic pork sandwich, known as “Sanduche de Pernil” in the main plaza of Carondelet. You will see people living happily and sharing that happiness with you. Trust me, we will not think of you as a stranger and we will say hi to you and invite you to have a quick chat about politics or the weather.

4. Quito’s traditional cuisine

I know every place will have its own traditional cuisine, but trust me you will not want to miss out on Quito’s cuisine. The special thing behind our cuisine is that we keep Grandma’s traditions alive. Humitas for instance are a type of pastry made out entirely of corn that has been grinded and then mixed with soft cheese gently for hours, these are honestly my personal favorite. However, then there is the delicious Espumilla. A spongy dessert made out of Guayaba or Guava and egg, its preparation lasts for more than five hours. Plus, you do not need to be rich or fancy to taste these delicacies but you can do it with only $1,50, how wonderful does that sound?

5. You will experience two hemispheres at the same time

You might have probably heard that Quito is located in the middle of the world, but did you ever think that there could be something hidden behind it? The answer is simple, yes. By being in two hemispheres you will experience different gravitational forces and pressures which will challenge your body and mind in different ways. Your body will be challenged with one easy task; try walking in a straight line. Your mind on the other hand will be challenged by looking at a delicate and fragile object standing perfectly on a nail. Trust me these moments will definitely change the way you see the world.

Clearly five reasons are not enough to describe how Quito is such a beautiful destination, but they are sure a tiny push to keep you hanging on Quito. Even though Ecuador may sound like a small country, it is its size precisely that makes it more attractive and with more hidden secrets and places to find. I invite you to visit it, Quito will lighten your heart and mind up. Guaranteed!

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