How to overcome a hangover like a Quiteño?

Choclo con fritada

Every culture has its own approach on curing a bad hangover or as we call it in Quito, the chuchaqui. Now when you think about a hangover, the things that pop up may be headaches, dizziness and the “make it stop” feeling am I right?

What if I tell you that by the end of this post you will know how to make it stop, the only things you need are a piece of paper and a pen to write down the best advices on how to cure the chuchaqui in Quito.

Unlike other places around the world, the options to choose from to cure your hangover are endless. There will always be something that matches your special tastes. Let’s get started.



The dead-lifting Encebollado! This is probably one of the most famous dishes you will ever encounter when it comes to chuchaquis. With just $2.50 you will be able to enjoy a delicious plate from the Ecuadorian Coast made with cod, onion, lemon, tomato, yuca, amongst other ingredients. All of these undergo a special preparation process of more than two hours in order to deliver the perfect plate which will be accompanied by green platain chips, tostado and popcorn. This perfect soup will not only taste like heaven but it will indeed give you the so needed energy to cope with your day.

Our Illa Recommendation: Playa Chica, San Rafael in front of Tacha Bakery


The perfect hornado! This dish goes back to our highlands. It is made with slow cooked pork accompanied by potato tortillas, avocado, mote and “encurtido” which is a tomato, onion, parsley and lemon salad that awakens all your palate senses. The combination of these flavours is then contrasted with a sauce called “agrio”, which translates to sour, but ironically tastes sweet! Now for you to get this mouthwatering dish, then just go to any market’s food court. Trust me, you do not need any other direction because you will recognize it inmediately. However, in case you don’t just look for some 2 metre aluminum platters with an entire roasted pork and hear out all of the compliments you will be cat-called while walking in front of them.

Illa Recommendation: Central Market, downtown Quito


The Yahuarlocro! This is probably one of the most exotic yet savoury dishes you will ever try. Many get scared when they hear the ingredients but once they try it, they are blown away by the explosion of flavors. The dish itself is a soup with avocado, lamb, spices, fresh potatoes, onions and a special ingredient which I will not tell you because I will leave you with the doubt of trying it yourself! The combination of ingredients plus the time and dedication spent in more than 5 hours of cooking creates the perfect texture and density for the soup to cure even the worst hangover and all for $2!

Illa Recommendation: Doña Angelita at Calle Junin, San Marcos. (One block away from our home @IllaExperienceHotel 

“You are not hungover, you are just hungry”

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